Elfiya - You inspired me to start drawing. Without you, I would have never pursued art. Before I began drawing, you were always there for me to help bring my concepts to life. I owe you so much.
Carlos - Your shitposts are hilarious, your concepts are cool, and you have a ton of potential.
Fcfun - You're just a great friend. You always express interest in what I make, and you're another big inspiration to me.
Mr.Mystery - Great artist, great writer, great friend to Lian, and an even better friend to me.
AnEvenDarkerLord (you don't really have a consistent username scheme so idk what to call you lol) - You helped me with Rotisserune, showed interest in my characters, and are overall another amazing friend.
JustBreathingAir - You're an extremely talented artist, you're funny, you're nice, you're overall great.
Josiah - You always entertain me with your ideas and always offer to listen to mine. You're also one of the three people still interested in FNF like me, so you've got some brownie points.
Starfruit - Though you're no longer active on this site, and you might not read this unless I send it to you, I want you to know that you're an incredible friend. You helped me make Rotisserune with your AMAZING concepts, you showed care and interest in my characters and creations, and you unknowingly stopped me from leaving this site altogether.