Save it, you are pushing your bias, the members of the Southern Baptist Convention were also democrats but you failed to blame your party, failed to mention slavery in the north, you nit pick history but it doesn't help you.
Members of the Southern Baptist Convention also broke with that agenda, started and ran the underground railroad, the organization also moved away from slavery and back toward Christian principals, Democrats never did that. Unlike dems, conservatives and Christians are charged to hold each other accountable and willingly or unwillingly will change over time. There would be no Black Baptists in the Southern Baptist Convention if any of your crap were still true or relevant.
Modern day slavery is huge, but you don't seem to care about that, the human trafficking at our border, the pedophiles that cull children from the human waves, the officials that benefit from it all, you don't care, you want to pretend something from 150+ years is a problem.
Just blame Trump, Baptists, Catholics and all the other groups you hate and pat yourself on your back and keep thinking you are a good person. Just understand that none of us see you that way.