If you actually knew what we once had, you wouldn't be saying that.
And I am not talking about slavery because A) no one, except for customers of sex slavery, wants that and B) most of the founding fathers opposed slavery.
Slavery is gone, just like it should have been when this nation was founded.
What I am talking about is freedom. We are so regulated and over regulated. We are so taxed and over taxed. There are so many laws on the books right now that regardless of how honest and law abiding you try to be, you can be found guilty of at least 3 felonies every day.
Then Democrats have the nerve to say we need a little socialist mixed with capitalism. Or businesses need to be controlled. Capitalism is freedom. Capitalism as lifted more people out of poverty than anything other system invented by mankind. Socialism is slavery. Socialism (and it's Marxist spinoffs, communism, Nazism and fascism) have created more poverty than any other system invented by man.
Find yourself a copy of a book called the 5,000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen. Then find a book series called The Real George Washington, The Real Thomas Jefferson and The Real Benjamin Franklin. These are history books told mostly by their own words. It is 180° opposite direction of the Democrat party. It is 180° opposite of what you most likely have been taught about our founders.
Our founders put the individual above the state (and by state I mean the Federal Government, not the individual States). All political power was concentrated in the hands of the individual citizen. The state had no power but what the individual citizen allowed.
Now the citizens are subjects to a massive and powerful government. The individual is meaningless.
Biden even gloated over this fact when he said:
“You know, I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is — you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16. You need something else than just an AR-15,”
In case you are wondering the Declaration of Independence re-enforces the right of the people to overthrow the government should it ever become tyrannical.
For Biden to gloat like this means our government has become a tyranny. We are certainly more legislated than our founding fathers were under King George. I am NOT calling for an insurrection. I prefer to wake people up so that they can vote the tyrants out.