It's always funny to see someone telling on themselves about their grade-school understanding of medical science.
No vaccine stops or has ever stopped transmission of a disease - they all work the same way, by exposing your immune system to pathogens that train it to recognize and fight them off when exposed to the real thing, reducing the likelihood of full-blown infection.
Yeah, exactly - that would be why they fact checked him, just like we've done for Sorbo and the guy who claimed Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, bleach, and UV light were miracle cures
Yes... the misleadia painted it that way... Why? MONEY
If there was anything.... absolutely ANYTHING... that could have been used then NO EMERGENCY AUTHORIZATION for the clot shot... That's why EVERYTHING else was mocked, downplayed, and censored by the corporate media...
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Nonsense - study after study after study showed those drugs were completely ineffective against COVID.
But still the conspiracy nuts grasped for anything that might sound like it agreed with them, no matter how ridiculous or irrational.
Nonsense... they censored any and everything that could threaten their Emergency Authorization...
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There's that "ridiculous and irrational" I was talking about.
The ambiguous "they" you're referring to was the Trump administration, and again, study after study has shown these anti-parasitic medicines are useless against COVID.
This is why it's not particularly helpful to get your medical advice from memes - hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been shown to be less effective than placebos against COVID in actual medical studies.
What these dumb meta-studies did was pulled a bunch of data from third world countries where parasites are common comorbidities - and of course getting rid of the worms infesting your body would give you a leg up against a COVID infection, but only if you're riddled with worms to begin with.
It does nothing whatsoever against the virus though.
Again, memes are not particularly useful sources of medical advice, and your choice to simply deny reality and replace with something that appeases you is a coping mechanism.
Yes... I can see you operate with double standards... people who said the vaccine stopped transmission cause much more harm than Jones ever did...
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In what way - the vaccine reduced transmission and infection rates among early variants, and drastically lowered the number of hospitalizations and deaths through Delta and Omicron before the current crop of bivalent options were released.
Rate of death from COVID infections was more than ten times higher among the unvaccinated during the peak in early 2022, and today it's still more than four times higher.
No - you missed the question - how is it those who promoted a life-saving vaccine did more damage than the guy who lied to his followers, telling them the vaccines would destroy their immune systems?
Those unvaccinated goobers died at more than ten times the rate of their vaccinated peers.
No, I didn't miss it, which is why I keep asking you to square your belief with the reality we live in where those who were lied to about vaccines refused them and died for it.