1 month later, the Inkperials had tried to invade the stars but had failed due to their hunger for power, and now the Inkperials have gotten weakened. EC had abandoned Data’s body for a newly built body and soon Inkmatas and Ghostie had escaped Inkperial control and soon Astra, Inkmatas, Rizu, Hakai, Inky Pearl, and the Traveler were at the entrance of the Inkperial palace. Astra pointed at Inky Pearl and Inkmatas and then directed them to go to the right.
“Got it” Inkmatas said
Astra pointed at Hakai and Rizu and pointed at them to go straight
“Yes Ma’am!” Hakai and Rizu said
Astra then looked at traveler and they went to the left. They then started their infiltration on the Inkperial palace. Meanwhile in the Palace, Supernova, Monacher, Flutter, and Parl were all in formation with a gas masked Inkling. Soon the War creator walked in to the room and it had Data’s body.
“Our failure to invade the stars has made us weaker… this is something we must act upon now” The War Creator said
In the room was Bokun and Daihyo tied up. They struggled in their seats, and the War Creator knew this. The War Creator had absolute power over the Inkverse making Bokun and Daihyo powerless.
“You figureheads shall realize that a republic isn’t as important as an Empire!” The War Creator said
Suddenly the door bursts open and it was Hakai and Rizu. The War Creator looked back at Hakai and Rizu and laughed.
“What do you think you two can do against me!” The War Creator said
“We can and will end this imperialistic rule!” Hakai said
“Nobody supports you, not anymore!” Rizu said
“Fools, I don’t need to care about what people care about when I control them!” The War Creator said “Kill them, Supernova”
Supernova walked toward Hakai when suddenly, Supernova is blasted in the helmet by an Inkstone hell blast. Hakai rushes at Supernova but Supernova suddenly body slams her. Hakai falls to the floor and Flutter walks toward Hakai with the hypnoshades.