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Eggy2_ElectricBoogaloo (4459)
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The Astro Father Final Chapter: Eggy Edition! (UNFINISHED) in Imgflip-bossfights
0 ups, 1mo

Cleanser Absolute sat by a campfire near a small hut on an Andromedan planet. He was tired of dealing with Andromedans in the Inkverse, so he decided he would go to the source of the problem and deal with it there. He ate the meat of a boar-like creature, one he most likely killed with his bare hands, recovering from the previous battle and preparing for the next one against the Andromedic Capital.

Then he heard something. Something distant. It was from afar, something only the likes of him could hear. He turned to the sound, when he saw it. A giant eagle, barreling towards him.

Cleanser Absolute tried putting up his hands to block it, but it was too late, the eagle crashed into him with enough force to make him hack up blood on the impact. The massive eagle stood on top of him in the center of a crater.

The eagle transformed, back to a silhouette of crackling energy that resembled Eggyhead, with an angelic pair of wings.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" The figure yelled at him.

"What I had to!" Cleanser replied.

He grabbed the figure by the legs and and tossed him so far that he went around the planet. However, when he circled back, the spirit stuck out his legs and performed a drop kick into Cleanser Absolute, causing the crater to grow.

Cleanser threw a punch at the spirit with his mechanical arm, but it was caught and torn off. The spirit was on his knees in an instant, and struck Cleanser in the face with so much force that his right eye was ripped out of its socket.

"YOU... YOU INSIGNIFICANT F**K!" Cleanser yelled in frustration.


"God?" Cleanser said as he forced the spirit off him. "I fear no God!"

"...YOU WILL."

The spirit drew Eggs-calibur, pinned down Cleanser before he could react, and put his sword to Cleansers chest.
The Astro Father Final Chapter: Eggy Edition! (UNFINISHED) in Imgflip-bossfights
0 ups, 1mo

There was burst of raw energy, and an inhuman scream, fueled by anger.

Collector was already there by Eggyhead, trying to calm him down.

"Eggy! I know what you're thinking!" Collector said with his hand on his chest. "I told you, we can't get aggressive! We can't risk this!"

Eggy stood, unwavered, still filled with rage.

"Eggy look at me!" Omeletta said attempting to get his attention. "You know he's right! We can't have you get hurt too!"

Eggyhead calmed slightly, he thought about if they were right, but then he turned and saw Peyton. She was scared, afraid of him. His wife was terrified. This only made things worse. Eggyhead could no longer contain it. Eggyhead was gone, the only thing left now was an angry spirit, and a warrior of God gone mad.

Eggyhead hatched. He turned into a great eagle, made of pure energy and fueled by rage. He crashed through the window and out of the atmosphere in seconds.

"Shit." Collector said.

Collector grabbed Xander and Inkmatas , and they zipped after him.
The Astro Father Final Chapter: Eggy Edition! (UNFINISHED) in Imgflip-bossfights
0 ups, 1mo
Peyton stepped into what she was told was her and Eggy's room. She saw him sitting on the bed facing the wall. She had to know what they were before.

"Hi." Peyton said shyly, unsure as to if she wanted to be doing this.

"...Hi." Eggy replied shakily.

Peyton could tell he had been tearing up. She felt guilty for how she had acted earlier.

"I... need to ask you some questions." Peyton said as she stood at the door.

Eggy did not answer, so she assumed it was yes and began to ask her questions.

"So..." Peyton started. She was unsure if she should ask a question this sensitive. But she felt that she had to know.

"What was... "us" like?"

"We... we were..." Eggy stammered. "We were close. You cared about me, even though I wasn't nearly as great as you. I tried to repay your love with the care you deserved from a lover. I felt I didn't deserve you, but you told me that I did. It made me happy. I guess me being happy made you happy too."

"That... sounds nice." Peyton managed to come up with, unsure of her feelings. " 'Eggy', right? That's what Inky called you... how did we fall in love?"

"The Inkperial Wars took my wife away from me. Temporarily, anyways. She came back later, but that's not important." Eggy replied. "We all thought they took away Inky too. We bonded because of our suffering, and we wanted someone to fill the void we felt. We kind of fell for each other from there."

"I think..." Peyton said, trying to remember something. "I think I remember something like that. That was you?"

"Yeah." Eggy replied.

"I have one more question." Peyton said.

"Shoot." Eggy said back.

"Who did this to me?"

Then Eggyhead remembered. He had spent so much time thinking, wallowing in self pity, that he had forgotten about the man who did this. His sadness turned to rage. And his rage, he could not contain.

"Cleanser absolute."