You know predator types stalk, lurk, lay in wait.
*Not saying all crossdressers seeking entitlement to use women's restrooms are rapists.
I am saying it only take one to change your life.
Why give the wolf the sheep's clothing and access to barn?
You've been in an empty restroom from time to time.
You're telling me you, not once, got an uneasy feeling hearing the door open?
Does your stated comfort speak for all women?
The majority?
I do not want my daughter, as a minor or as an adult, in a restroom with a man in a dress no matter the privacy walls or the number of others.
You have much greater odds of being accosted in a parking garage than in a women's room by a man dressed as a woman but people often but a winning lottery ticket do they not?
You don't want to win this prize.