4- Creating your color palette; today we will be making our color palette to use for the drawing. You don't have to make one, you can just go find one on google. However, for those that would like to make their own, follow me!
To start off, I'm linking a template in the comments for you to use for your color palette ^^ All you do is make a separate tab in kleki or another website and import it in. It looks like this. for the first step, start with the skin. go in the color picker and choose a base color, placing it in the middle. then choose a few corresponding darker colors and lighter colors, placing them on either side. Choose as many as you want. Repeat these steps for the lips, hair, and miscellaneous. The miscellaneous can be whatever. it can be clothing, jewellry, other accessories that you may be interested in adding. Keep in mind these color choices may change as you draw, and that's absolutely ok. This is just the thought process and you don't have to adhere to the color scheme if you don't want to. for the eyes, you will repeat the previous instructions twice. once for the white of the eye, and one for the iris.
For the eyeball: you will need a series of brownish grays and other colors that may seem out of place such as a deep red, brown, dark blue. It will look something like this. for the iris, you just choose a color with dark and light variants, something like this:; After finishing your color scheme, copy and paste it into a new layer on your saved project in kleki.