I wanna watch it sooo badlyyyy
I was very disappointed when Twisted Metal was only on Peacock, and the FNAF movie is also on Peacock, but they're saying it MIGHT be on Netflix later after, but idk yet. If it doesn't get on Netflix, I'm gonna make Bite of '87 look like child's play!
that should be illegal.......
also just searched it up, and i don't realy see no reason why it woulnd't be on netflix, give or take a few months after it releases
yeah for me its really good, scary, but not too scary, y'know what i mean?
but than again, i've never really seen any of the other exorcists movies, so i can't really compare them
but for movie itself is really good
I’ve only ever seen the original! I’ve heard good things about the sequels though, so I’ll definitely see them at some point! I love possession movies, things like that scare me so much!