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PrincessBlaze (245658)
Joined 2019-12-04
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Latest Comments in anti_furry_society
1 up, 5d
OH EW. What the F**K.
Explain in anti-furr_vs_furr
0 ups, 2w
Why ask that when you could ask, why aren’t YOU mod of both /j
Crimes in anti_furry_society
1 up, 2w
Did you just. Google “list of crimes” or something
Because like. Nearly every fandom/community has harassers/groomers/pedos/bad actors. And im not denying that theres criminals in the furry community (Example: Nyancrimew)

Who hacked and leaked the USA’s no fly list and is.. not exactly on good terms with the US of A.

Granted, her crime wasn’t as bad as say, murder, but still a crime, at least to the US Government.

The people who commit these crimes, would do them regardless of being furries or not. It’s a problem with the person, not the community.

You wouldn't blame a guy’s whole family if he commited murder, would you?