Also wrong, you are confusing big mega stores, corporate stores, small chains and local owned. Many do get most products from growers outside the US, others from factory farms, the shortages do not show in process boxed foods, because the lower quality items can be used. The seasonal products both animal and vegetational locally grown come from both distributors and direct farmer to shelf, hate to break it to you but I have delivered them, and know plenty of others that have. Small, Medium and Large farmers and growers will combine delivery especially in northern states with generational farmers, ranchers and growers. Push back against the woke left is seen everywhere, people leaving dem areas, 1st responders, military and tradesmen leaving, retiring or job swapping. You should not be shocked to see farmers doing the same, people distrust and refuse to support them. If you really are in an area that hasn't seen the shortages, spikes in prices and lower quality items just wait, it will hit you soon enough. You can remain willfully blind and wish it all away or you can slowly stock up, I suggest you do.