So far that does seem to be the trending response. There is interview after interview of Black and ethnically Hispanic citizens saying that they can SEE what the political Left is doing with the 'justice' system and that they now intend to vote for Trump no matter what.
Please send this meme to THESE PHUCKS ! They ALL promised to leave in 2016
Chelsea Handler
Keegan-Michael Key
Lena Dunham
Neve Campbell
Bryan Cranston
Miley Cyrus
Barbra Streisand
Amy Schumer
Samuel L. Jackson
You can see his popularity when thousands crowd into rallies, with thousands more outside.
Nobody else inspires such loyalty from real people, not the bought and paid for talking heads on your lying TV.
Trump can captivate and hold a huge crowd of people in prison and he even sings with them! Soon he will join them! OH what a joyous day that will be one to remember forever! Bwahahahahahaha!