As being yet another show I should have watched but didn't, I'm not qualified to say much about it...
But in this case, you're dealing with:
A. Contrarian in action.
B. The D and R Speciation Phenomenom since 2016, in which both are separate lineages going back centuries. So therefore entire states, counties, even families are of one or the other of these two types, intermingling being a genetic impossibility.
C. Hijacking of the cool ones. ie, Pepe was never a Nazi, only adopted by racists who pretend he was.
Add to that the usual disinformation, disorientation, gaslighting, revisioning, retroffiting.... all with a big dollop of simply trying to silence or at least drown out Species D. It's gotten to where they won't concede even if you're actually AGREEING with them. They just want to shut others out.