Long comment incoming.
I'm from 2022, but....
I was making random Google searches and stumbled upon this website.
The memes from here were very interesting to me in 2022. I made my account, and my first meme was some sort of success kid meme. Don't ask me the template name, I don't remember it.
I was making some sort of progress~ but I realized I don't have so many points from my few images, probably cause I recently joined at that time. My first username was MemeAAAAAAAAAhhhh. I don't know how much A's my username had cause it was a long username, so I'm making a decent estimate.
I was decently starting to grow, mainly posting on the fun stream. I was some kind of person posting a few images. That's when I suddenly got a notification, and it was a moderation invite from the stream everyones_a_mod. Yes, that was the first stream I moderated. My mod got removed quickly after I deleted a comment that was harmless.
At some point around May 2022, I went onto the settings page and realized I could change my username. I picked the username MemeMadlad, and weirdly, that username was available. I thought it was taken at such a small social media website.
I discovered MSMG. I don't know the month I discovered msmg, so don't ask when. I made some pretty unfunny memes on here cause I was still a fun stream user. I still haven't posted shitposts at that time. Neither was I using msmg as much as I do now.
Part 1: I just recently changed my username to pastajumping560. I was looking at what_ever_you_want images and found autumntheyeeter's post. He was known as yeet_just_yeet at the time, and he's now deleted. I found his stream completely_random by his post. I wanted to post something here, so I posted a meme on this stream, and I put pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis as one of the tags. I got mod at completely_random soon after.
Part 2: My controversy part. I was starting to use msmg a lot and made my first announcement template, and I used it. I made a post with it announcing I just got 1000 comments. I was now arguing with KYSdawg, using separate posts.
I was now using shitposts. I changed my username to thisisntcontext. And now this is where it becomes more like I am today. I randomly used a lot of msmg and used shitposts. Shitposts.
And now this is where I currently am. Using shitposts a ton in msmg. The end.