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Bossfights, 20 years later: Reignited Feelings.

Bossfights, 20 years later: Reignited Feelings. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
186 views Made by Minos_PRIME 12 months ago in Imgflip-bossfights
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One day, 20 years in the future...

Ove and Astra were at a gathering with a mix of The Inklas, Eggys family, and Collecters family, all together for a mini-party. Ove was playing Minecraft Sky Wars on his Nintendo switch while Astra watched. She cheered him on as the match went on and clapped for him when he eventually won.

Astra: Just as good as when we were kids, heheh!

Ove: yep, and I'm only gonna get better. I take pride in knowing I can destroy a literal robot in a video game...

Astra: was that a challenge?

Ove: Maybe... But not right now, I'm tired of Minecraft for today.

Astra: ok, I'll kick your ass in Minecraft another time then.

Ove: Yeah, definitely...
Hey... Astra?

Astra: yeah Ove?

Ove: I was wondering... Maybe... Would you care to have dinner with me sometime? Maybe next week?

Astra: ...
(What do I say... I've known he likes me for a long time, and I've always said we need some time to grow up a bit... But now we actually are grown up... Screw it, I'll go out with him. Maybe it'll be fun.)
Sure! Does next Friday work for you? 5 o'clock?

Ove: That works just fine Astra.
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The next Friday, the day of the date...

Ove was handling a case in the Citadel, he was defending a bank worker accused of robbing the bank he worked at. His fingerprints were found on all of the money stolen, and he was seen leaving around the same time the money was stolen.

Prosecutor: -and that is why this man is guilty of this crime.

Ove: Objection! Take a better look at the security footage. The man who stole the money, was obviously seen on these cameras, carrying the money, but this man is not my client! Let's watch the full footage.

After the full camera footage...

Ove: if you look closely, you'll have noticed that after the man who stole money left, another man left moments later. Take a close look at him. Short, suit and brown tie, brown long hair, their description fits my client perfectly!

The Prosecutor started sweating.

Prosecutor: that's t-too vague! A-anyone at the bank could've looked like th-that!

Ove: yes, but look even closer. This man who left has the exact same skin color, hair color, and body shape.

Prosecutor: ... (I'm out of rebuttals!)

Judge: well... Everything seems clear... I am ready to deliver my verdict.
I find the client, Bryan Westings, NOT GUILTY.

The court cleared up, and Ove checked his watch. 4:45. He quickly got all his things together and left. He snapped his fingers, and he was suddenly outside Applebee's, the restaurant where he was meeting Astra.
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While Ove waited, he freshened himself up. He brushed off his clothes, popped a mint into his mouth, and applied a splash of cologne. At exactly 5:00, a portal opened, and an Astra in a beautiful dress walked through.

Astra: Hey.

Ove: Hi Astra. You look pretty.

Astra: Thank you. You look pretty cute yourself in that suit.

Ove: Awwwww, thanks!
(I always wear this suit when I go to deal with court cases but I'm not complaining...)

Astra: shall we?

Ove: sure, why not?

Ove and Astra went inside, and sat down at a nice booth with a good view of the garden outside. They struck up conversation, when Ove spotted something familiar...

Hakai and Essy were sitting at the other end of the restaurant, sipping some milkshakes, with a good look of everything happening between Ove and Astra.

Ove: seriously?

Astra: what is it? *Astra looks in the same direction Ove is looking and sees them*
BAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH! *Astra wipes a tear from her eye while laughing* Wow! They really must be desperate to see some action huh? Hehehehe!

Ove: Whatever, let's just ignore them.

Astra: yeah, that's probably for the best.

The waiter came by and took their order. Ove got boneless wings with fries, and Astra ordered a plate of pasta with a salad. While they were waiting, they talked.

Ove: So... What do you wanna do after this?

Astra: hmmm... Maybe we could go to your place? Watch a movie, play some games?

Ove: That sounds fun. I have an idea on what we could watch...

Their food arrived, and they are, Ove and Astra ate their food and chatted. After they ate and were about to leave, Ove got an idea. A very risky idea...
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Ove: Hey Astra, I've got an idea on how to make milkshake blow out of the those twos noses.

Astra: what is it?

Ove: just go with it...

Ove leaned down and gave Astra a kiss on the cheek, and just as Ove said, milkshake came flying out of Essy's and Hakai's noses.

Astra, with visibly blue cheeks: Oh! That's very straightforward of you Ove...

Ove, also blushing a bit: well, I try to be as blunt as possible...

Astra: *smiles a bit* Let's got outta here...
Our sisters are busy with the mess, so we should take this chance while we have it.

Ove: yeah...

Ove pays for the meal and leaves a tip, and the two of them leave and head towards Ove's place. Astra had noticed how much Ove had matured since they were kids. He was still pretty goofy, sure, but he was also kind, sweet, respectful, and serious when it was needed. While she was thinking, Astra noticed something on her hand, she looked down to see Ove holding it. She smiled and held back, she pulled Ove closer to her. Eventually, they arrived at Ove's place, and they went up to the Penthouse, where Ove lived. There was a door-man, who immediately recognized Ove and greeted the two of them.

Door-man: ahhh, so THIS is Astra!

Ove: heh, yeah. She's sweet, isn't she?

Astra: Awwwwwwww, you're pretty sweet yourself Ove.

Ove and Astra head inside, when they're greeted by a familiar face...
An Adult Fry (BaconCat and Larrys daughter) runs up to the two of them, and meows hello.

Astra: Ooh! That reminds me!

Astra pulls a little case out of her pocket, she taps a button on it, and Lay forms from the case in Astra's hands.

Lay: helo :>

Ove: Oh! Hey buddy!

Astra: he's been sitting in my pocket the whole time, he wanted to "support me" on our date tonight.

Ove: Awwwww... You must care about her a bunch too, huh?

Lay: yep!

Ove: how about you go play with Fry, me and Astra are gonna chill out, ok?

Lay: sure.

Lay runs off, leaving Ove and Astra together in Ove's living room.
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Ove snapped his fingers and. Astra plopped down onto the couch, Ove cut off the lights, grabbed some blankets and popcorn, turned on the TV, and wrapped the two of them up together. Ove pulled out the remote and pulled up a movie that was streaming on his TV...

The Splatoon 2 movie.

Astra was surprised by Ove having a movie this new on his TV, to afford something like that he must've been making a lot of money, a truckload more than she thought he was. She also saw how he was willing to share all of that money with her, she felt a bit flattered. Ove and Astra watched the movie, it was pretty good, just as good as the first one, maybe better. Eventually, the movie ended.

Astra: that was pretty good!

Ove: it was!

Astra: what should we do now?

Ove: hmmmm...
Maybe Smash Bros?

Astra: Sure!
1 up, 12mo,
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Ove hooked up his Nintendo switch to the to the TV, Ove pulled out a controller and Astra connected through her head. Ove joined a group call with some of his buddies and they all hopped onto a tournament together. Every match passed, until Ove and Astra were the only ones left. Ove and Astra got into a battle, and suddenly-
Astra was getting beaten left and right, she couldn't recover from any of Ove's blows, and eventually, she lost.


Ove: Weren't expecting that we're you?

Astra: AGAIN!!!

Ove, his buddies, and Astra, had another tournament... Same result.

Astra: AGAIN!

Same result.

Astra: Again!

Once again, same result.

Astra: Again...

Eventually, after a few dozen matches, through sheer determination and stubbornness, Astra just barely won.


Ove: *claps his hands* congrats, you managed to beat me!
Well... I'm tired of Smash Bros.
How about Minecraft?

Astra: sure!

Ove and Astra left the group call, and started up Minecraft. Ove and Astra joined their SMP, a few other people were online, Jinsei, Bean, the usual players, and...
Essy and Hakai. Again.

Astra: *dying of laughter*

Ove: Again? At least they can't hear us.

Astra: yeah, I guess. *Still wheezing*

Ove and Astra played for a bit, they found some ancient debris, some treasure, the usual, when Ove got an idea.

Ove pulled and out his phone, tapped a few buttons, and 15 minutes later, the Door-man walked in with two milkshakes and set them on a dresser next to them.

Door-man: Bon appetit, you two.


Ove: I knew you'd like that, I like em a bunch too! You mind handing me mine?

Astra: I don't know, I might drink them both myself! Hehehehe! Kidding!
*She hands Ove his Milkshake*

Ove: mmmmmm... This looks good.

Astra and Ove keep playing while they sip on their milkshakes, after a while, Ove notices something...
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Ove spotted two players in the distance. Essy and Hakai.

He didn't hesitate, he pulled out his Loyalty III Trident and sniped them, killing them immediately. He turned back to Astra who was breaking down a few trees for materials. Once she was done, she lit up the trees with flint and steel and watched them burn. Ove and Astra played for a while, they built some stuff, went on a few adventures, and overall had a fun time. Eventually, they were getting sleepy. Ove and Astra said goodnight to the server, asked Hakai and Essy to leave them alone, and logged off for the night. Ove and Astra decided to go to bed, Ove put on some cozy pajama pants, and Astra swapped into a PJ tank top and PJ shorts.

Astra: so...
Where should I sleep?

Ove: oh!
You can sleep in my bed, I'll just sleep on the couch.

Astra: you're sure? I wouldn't mind just sleeping on the couch...

Ove: heh, I would offer we share the bed, but I think we need to bond a bit more before something like that.

Astra: ...

Ove pressed a button on the side of the couch, and it folded out into a bed. Ove grabbed a soft blanket and lied down on the couch/bed. Astra got in Ove's bed, she felt haw fort it was, it felt like she was lying on a giant marshmallow. She fell asleep almost immediately, and Ove fell asleep minutes later...
1 up, 12mo,
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The next morning, Astra woke up to a pleasant aroma coming from the kitchen. She got up, and went to the Kitchen to see Ove cooking breakfast. He was making (Eggless) pancakes, with sausage links.

Astra: mmmmmm...
Something smells good.

Ove: really?
I must've gotten used to the smell of food like this.

Astra: You cook food like this all the time?! That sounds nice...

Ove: wait till you try it, heheh!

Astra: okay...

Ove served breakfast to himself and Astra, with glasses of milk. They sat down, prayed, and ate, as Astra thought, the food was absolutely delicious, some of the best breakfast she ever had. She got seconds, and wiped the plate clean.

Astra: This was even better than I thought it was! It was SOOOOOOO good! Thank you Ove!

Ove: awwww, you're welcome Astra. I'm glad you liked it.

Astra: I didn't like it, I LOVED it! How did you make these so delicious?!

Ove: well...
Mostly experience, and a hint of care for my creation.

Astra, to self: I look forward to possibly more meals like this...

After they finished, Astra got her stuff together, and they went outside.

Astra: Well... This was a lot of fun.

Ove: yeah... It was.

Astra, blushing: ...
Hey Ove.

Ove: yeah Astra?

Astra leaned towards Ove and gave him a kiss.

Astra: Let's do something like this again next Friday, ok?

Astra ran off with Lay in her hands, leaving Ove in shock and confusion...
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8 months later...

Astra and Ove were at a beach, they were in the middle of another date, and were about to head to Ove's place once again, Astra was dressed and started to walk away from to beach when Ove stopped her.

Ove, blushing: Hey Astra... I have something to say...

Astra: What is it Ove?

Astra turned around to see Ove, kneeling down, and a box with a beautiful ring in his hand...

Ove: Will you marry me, Astra?

The End.
0 ups, 12mo,
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0 ups, 12mo
So the ship is official? You approve?
0 ups, 12mo
Awwwww thanks!
0 ups, 12mo
0 ups, 12mo
Plot twist she says no
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0 ups, 12mo
i yet still stand corrected
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You know when Ove said Smash Bros I was not expecting the game
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(kuro walks in)
Kuro: Yknow, last i hear bros as in plural..
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Ove: I'm not doing that to Astra...

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Kuro: threesome?
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Astra: you do acknowledge I don't have genitals, right?
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Ove: Dude f*ck off.
You can only dream of something like that, and even then the chances are slim.
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(kuro would laugh slightly, still smiling)
Kuro: it was a joke man! and still got more bodies than you.. just sayin, so i wouldnt be the person attacking!
0 ups, 12mo
Ove: you may have the higher body count, but I have the higher body count...
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Kuro: Parece que el cartel no te ha tratado bien, ¿eh?, that means, ill kick your ass in a death count..
0 ups, 12mo
Ove: What's your body count then?
The kill counter, not...
0 ups, 12mo,
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Did larry really have a kid with bacon? Imagine how awkward it is??
0 ups, 12mo
She's not actually bacon
She just looks like it
0 ups, 12mo
Idk how to feel about that ship
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0 ups, 12mo,
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Seriously? Applebees for a date????
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Applebee's is really high quality
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0 ups, 12mo,
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Ovary gaming
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0 ups, 12mo,
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I really like this
0 ups, 12mo
Thanks :>
0 ups, 12mo
Summarization NOW
0 ups, 12mo,
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Wait I just had an idea...

The moist critical WOOOOOOO meme but with astra
0 ups, 12mo,
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Why did you say that here?
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Ohh wait now I get it.

It's because there's a part in this where Astra yells WOOOOOOOOOOO

Which is what gave me the idea
0 ups, 12mo
0 ups, 12mo
Awwwww that’s wholesome
0 ups, 12mo
I could do this story, but not much would change 💀

Only Peace would age

Maybe Mors would give up on being a Reaper and turns into a human semi-permanently and Life just learns more of her powers, while still being 10

Should i make the story? After all i kinda did make the Natura Family right?
0 ups, 12mo,
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wait did they break up? the title insinuates so
0 ups, 12mo
No, It's Ove's feelings for Astra
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
  • Adult Ove and Astra
  • Adult Ove and Astra