So, they don't provide any source on this image, they claim it's from a presentation, but who knows. Anyway. I don't think they understand how pyramids work.
They say, "Documents exclusively obtained by MRC Free Speech America reveal the organizations DHS believes constitute the worst offenders of extremism in America, such as the Christian Broadcasting Network, The Heritage Foundation and the Republican National Committee. "
Except all those they mention are at the bottom. The worst offenders are at the top.
You start at the bottom. You get told by Fox News and people like Tucker Carlson that "they are coming to replace you." and the NRA with their "man card" and "cold dead hands" messaging telling you that to be safe from the scary people you need a gun.
So, first, you buy into that. Then you start getting links to Briet Bart. Infowars. Turning Points. You get moved up the pyramid to MAGA country and Breit Bart "news" and . With claims about how Christians are being targeted by the government. And how they're out to get you. The Frogs are turning gay.
And everyone on the 4th level? They got their start on level 1.
So, $40 million to battle that bullshit?
Not nearly enough.
They should add 2 zeros behind that 40.