regarding the very fervent atheists who hate this meme (not the creator of the meme, you’re fine):
Firstly, please learn to spell before bashing Christianity. Not once have I seen you spell the word religion correctly in this entire comment section
Secondly, please be respectful. You can still express your opinion on a topic without being hateful.
Thirdly, plenty of evidence backs up the Bible. For example, Daniel interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream. The head (the Babylonian empire) will be the most powerful kingdom, followed by lesser and lesser kingdoms (respectively, resulting as the Persian, Greek and Roman Empire). The kingdom then represented by the feet of iron and clay is the divided kingdom, aka all the different European countries today. Until it gets destroyed and replaced by the new heavenly kingdom, it will remain divided. That is why many attempts, such as Napoleon, were futile. That one Bible story alone predicted accurately the rise and fall of the greatest European empires. That’s only one example of the many wonders that occurred in the Bible. Another piece of evidence? Forty authors. Over 1500 years of writing. Overall message stays consistent throughout. Take some students perhaps, maybe ten of them. Get them to write an essay each about something over the course of a semester. Over such a short amount of time, even then the meaning of essays can get lost, but with the Bible? Consistent message throughout the entire thing.
Fourthly, if you think too hard about anything it becomes irrational. Even something like breakfast cereal can be maddeningly nonsensical if you put your mind to it, not just the Bible
Fifthly, in the end, it’s up to you if you accept Jesus or not. As Christians are still only human, we can only do so much to change your mind, but I sincerely hope you one day realise Jesus is indeed the Lord and Saviour, and that He is willing to accept you with open arms.
God bless 💙