Sonic declined in popularity after the 90s and many of the games since Sonic 06 have been very unpopular but when the Sonic movie came out in 2020, it seems that Sonic bounced back into popularity as well as the new game Sonic Frontiers. The second Sonic movie also proved to be even better than first one which is more than I can say for Disney's live action remakes. Very ironic how a video game character that hasn't been popular since the 90s is significantly rising in popularity again while Disney, a company long renowned for its classic films is failing in the box office with its remakes. Halle Bailey as Ariel in The Little Mermaid remake is an example of black actress playing a redhead that didn't sit well with people but Idris Elba as Knuckles in Sonic 2 is an example of a black actor playing a redhead that is being well-received by people.