that they will latch onto anyone who even remotely appears to have the ability to not only challenge the ruling elites, but actually enrage them.
and the ruling class DOES actually despise trump.
they do not feel he is a capable steward of empire, and does not serve THEIR interests.
now he actually DOES serve their interests, the TWO trillion dollar, permanent tax cut for the wealthy is a solid example and trump has consistently attempted to ingratiate himself with these people.
but rhetorically?
trump is an absolute master class.
reading a room like a magician and tapping into the rage and frustration and articulating that rage into a frothy mix of defiance towards the people who have been the source.
now to your average Trumper, the source is, of course...liberals.
now of course this is false.
the ruling class care not who manages the empire.
as long as their interests are served.
but normal folk are not politically sophisticated,they have shit to do, but their rage and frustration need an outlet, a focus.
and trump is (my opinion here) incredibly impressive on how he can take that energy and can focus it like a laser.
just my worthless .02