Soooo I'm still not gonna look at Budweiser "girls" 🤔the same way ever again. You predictably always chime in with a ridiculous comment or comparison. Your comparison of the NFL, NIKE, DISNEY & Coke to BUD par for your course. All those brands were marketed to alllll people for ever. When they chose wokeness it was a gamble, but not much of one. They had universal appeal and if they lose a percentage here n there by boycot...they'll be ok. BUD LIGHT has not been a product like that. In fact liberals have parodied their opponents as knuckled dragging toothless 3 day beard,fat over alls wearing BEER drinking idiots for years. BEER COMPANIES knew their customers. If that's NOT the case, explain the hundred years of pretty FEMALE faces drinking n heavenly bodies, going all the way back to the MILLER champagne of beers girl sliding off the crescent moon in what would've been a sexy pose l, holding a beer. SEX SELLS ALCOHOL. Duh. And it's not HOMOSEXUAL relations that do it. I take that back, maybe ZIMA or gin. Actually ZIMAs a good point of reference. When frat boys, athletes, fisherman, iron workers, oil workers etc perceive something as gayish look what happens. BEER is marketed towards men. Like it or not. Women drink it, true. But it is marketed largely to men. I mean even your boy lorne Michaels over at SNL did satire of Budweiser commercial with BUD GAY. I was a driver for a beer company for 10 years. I assure you the budweiser products customer base is NOT TRANSEXUAL OR WOKE. Alcohol, in particular beer sales are very competitive. You may not realize it and why would you since you believe whatever the view says, but believe me, there's a lot of muckity mucks and people at Anheuser that think this was a BAAAAAD decision. You really shouldn't just live your life to contradict doesn't take brain surgery to see this FICK UP. Every once in a while need to admit when something's just dumb. not to mention all those companies you've mentioned have taken major financial hits and a large percentage of their shareholders disagree with their BS too. In particular DISNEY.