For some years I was a professional model and I had the real b**bs to fill a bra or bikini top. And I find it a slap in my face that today's wokeist mentality encourages men to pretend to be in possession of what nature didn't give them. Despite decades of liberal complaints about how religion and ideals of chivalry have demeaned women throughout the ages, they fiercely embrace their own brand of misogyny. They will not tolerate somebody stating that biological women exist, or that a "trans woman" remains a man even after hormonal treatments and surgery. Instead they take such statements as profane and throw social stones at those who dare utter the sacrilege. This is the same mindset of any extremist religious cult or church. They recognize the hypocrisy of it, of course, but just like all other fanatics, they find exoneration for their hypocrisy in the unwavering faith that their dogma is infallible.