"At the genome level, SARS-CoV-2 is 96.75% similar to a bat CoV, known as RaTG13, but its nearest human CoV relative is SARS-CoV at just 86.85% similar"
COVID-19 maybe be 86.85% similar to SARS, but it is more similar to RaTG13 aka bat CoV.
Data source:
Side bar:
Overall, the symptoms of COVID-19 and SARS are similar. But there are some subtle differences.
The symptoms of COVID-19 that SARS don't have include...
diarrhea (but more of it)
runny or stuffy nose
sore throat
loss of taste
loss of smell
That's for starters.
About 20% of COVID patients would have needed to be hospitalised, whereas with SARS, about 20-30% of SARS patients would have needed mechanical ventilation.
COVID-19's transmission is easier than SARS.