Ah yes, a fellow philosopher - nice to meet you!
I like Plato and Aristotle's philosophies as well (more so Aristotle's because it was the groundwork for much of Western science until after the Renaissance due to it being based on knowledge coming from experience with the outside world, not contemplating from within), but I'm more into a number of philosophies mashed together, such as Nietzsche's version of Nihilism when it comes to viewing life as a framework (life itself has no inherent meaning, so by all means create one for yourself), Roman-Catholic philosophy when it comes to ethics and morality (see the Ten Commandments, the Holy Bible, and the Catechism for more), Buddhist philosophy for improvement of both the self and world (life is mostly suffering caused by dissatisfaction with life via desire, ignorance, and anger, so quell all three for peace in our time), and others - I'm all over the place, as you can see :>
I just like philosophy and science - they're the only ways to build a better world for you and others, so we might as well build up on our knowledge and understanding to do so.