The worst kind of democrat...wealthy, lives in California, had two initial vaccines, plus every quarterly booster and also covid 3 times.
Still drinking the kool aid.
Still suffering from "long TDS".
Still voting straight democrat tickets.
The funniest thing was several years ago when the homeless issue started becoming a real problem he was all "where are they supposed to go? The government needs to provide services...the usual leftist liberal blah, blah, blah.
I said, "you'll think that until they get to your neighborhood".
Lo and behold, the homeless started setting up camps near his office building and residential rental properties, stealing, vandalizing, trash everywhere.
"Someone needs to do something! They need to be relocated!" 😄
He and his wife even formed a community group to harass the local government officials and police to rid the area of the homeless!
I rubbed salt telling him, "told ya so"
They haven't spoken to me since...goin on 6 years now.