"'Diversity comes from the same root as divide. It means to separate and isolate people into specific groups'
No it doesn't"
Come on Octavia. You're smarter than that.
To divide it to separate to united objects. In math to divide is to find the difference between two numbers. It has to do with separating objects, people, numbers to find their differences.
Diversity is based on the same root as diverse. It has to do with a wide range if differences. Different objects, people, opinions, perspectives, etc.
They are both about the differences between things. You cannot have diversity without division, it is impossible. If everything is the same then nothing has been divided and there is no diversity.
Let me divert from my original meme to show a divided opinion. Diversity is not a virtue based on race or ethnicity. We have no control over our race or ethnicity. There is no virtue in being one race over another because we were all created equal.
HOWEVER, what we do have control of is our values, morals, ethics, opinions, lifestyle, philosophy, etc. THAT kind of diversity IS a virtue. It leads to emotional growth, knowledge, intellect and experiences. But it is also a double-edged sword because it can also lead to war, violence, arguments, hatred, frustration, etc. So on one hand it is a virtue but on the other it is a vice. How we decide to act when faced with opposition is what determines if it is a virtue.
In a free society, diversity of thought is critical. But we are losing that free society. We are told we much all think the same, have the same opinions, etc. Fact checkers, based entirely on this one opinion, are calling everyone who does not agree with them liars. ImgFlip moderators have no tolerance for certain opinions. ImgFlip users routinely call people who do not hold that opinion, "liars", and that is from the nicer ImgFlip users. The rest of the Libs, ironically, call those who do not have that one opinion, "Nazis" and "fascists".
Those opinions we are being pushed into just happens to be your opinions. You march in lockstep with the leftist elites who are controlling the world.