you are actually someone I like, and you should try and push through all of the bad stuff and think of good things!
besides that, could you try and tell me anything I should add to my own oc's species?:
Coal is a very rare canine (closed species), yes, it's a type of wolf, but it is smaller and has a bit more of a refined body, designated to be as quiet as possible, even at their top speed of 43 mph, they can go almost undetected, with the exception of kitsunes, which will do anything to help protect these rare wolves.
these wolves may be scared of anything on two legs, even a rat, because of what humans have done to them and other species of wolves, their best method of survival, scavenging in areas where kitsunes are, may be disrupted if a kitsune goes into it's anthro form even once.
however, kitsunes that enjoy the company of these shy wolves may never go into their anthro form, even after the wolf has passed or moved on in it's journey. generally, these kitsunes may even form special bonds with them, even inviting the wolves to stay with them, if their relationship is strong enough, the kitsune may keep the wolf alive for the rest of it's life!