Like he was indicted by the fierce SDNY with their on/off/on again two year investigation finally coming to a GUILTY! verdict of Trump............. Inc#58? Oh, and the fella who testified against him? Let that sink in - a corporation is going to jail, and the star witness. But not the cheating lying corrupt Trumps.
Will Nonce 'Don't want to set a precedent' PuPuPelosi actually do something for real this time if Trump actually shows up as per his subpoena, just like he didn't with the other two served him for those two faux impeachment lites? Nonce didn't wanna, then she rushed them, then bingo bango nothing. If it wasn't for this site, I would have never known that GOPer was officially a Democrat.
pfffffffft, she and Schemester even offered Dumpty $1.6 billion for his 'Mexico funded wall' - exactly $1.6 billion MORE than the Republicans offered before them. Them 2 had their tongues so far up his ass, if he opened his mouth you can still see 3 of them wagging.