How do you know a multi-payer healthcare system can't work? Every other first world country has it and those systems are working pretty well. Sure, every other first world nation isn't America and what works in Europe doesn't necessarily work in America but other countries fo have all sorts of different healthcare systems and I think maybe one model of healthcare system could work in America. Also using Cuba as an argument against universal healthcare as opposed to first world nations like Switzerland, Denmark and Singapore is really an apples to oranges argument. I'm also pretty sure Cuba doesn't have private healthcare providers or insurers like European healthcare systems. I don't care how 'good' Cuba's healthcare and education systems are, everything else about Cuba is shitty and a shitty communist regime is nothing to renown. On another note, I do recognize that America's healthcare system does have a a lot of problems, government bureaucracy, profit motivated doctors, big pharma lobbying the government.