It is not the number, it is what they are about. There is nothing inherently wrong with an executive order. They came about so that the president could set up the executive branch the way the best saw fit. For about the 1st 100 years most presidents were fine with how the executive branch operated.
Then the Progressive era started and little tyrants like Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt got elected. But even so executive orders mostly remained about how the executive branch operated.
Then came Obama. Obama was a Marxist. That is a fact and not an insult. Obama thought the executive orders were so he could dictate laws that he could not get passed in Congress. He tried to nationalize the banks and the auto industry but mostly failed. He tried to set up a "rat on your neighbor" website to have a list of those who opposed him 3 times and failed. When he found out just how limited the powers of the president has he turned to executive orders and executive actions to dictate law.
One of the great disappointments I had with Trump is he didn't try to shut executive branch law making down permanently.
Biden gets in and the first thing he does is sign a stack of executive orders that were already written for him. He didn't even know what he was signing, he just knew that he had to sign them.
Biden's orders are what caused the inflation we are seeing. Biden's orders made us dependent on OPEC again and now OPEC controls the price of gasoline in America.
Trump could have sign a gazillion executive orders and I would have absolutely no problem with them IF they were just about how the executive branch operated. I especially would have loved them if he shut down all of the superfluous branches of the government, like the Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Education, the State Dept, the IRS, OSHA, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, The Welfare Dept, Medicare and even the Social Security Administration. All of that should go away. It is a major drain on the economy and the individual taxpayer. There is just no excuse for the amount of taxes that the federal government steals from us.
Anyway, my point is, it is not the number but the purpose of those executive orders.