You can probably count all of the actual racists, fascists and Nazis in this country on one hand. But Dems have been conditioned to believe that everyone who does not march in lockstep with them are racists, fascists, Nazis, sexists, homophobes, transphobes, Islamophobes and that they are all knuckle dragging rednecks with a gazillion guns.
Those people just do not exist. Well, except for rednecks and some of those rednecks have a lot of guns. I can guarantee that you are a million times safer around any redneck with a gun then you are a liberal with a gun. Most liberals with guns (all 200 of them) are fairly safe but the rest are the ones who shoot up schools, theaters and country music concerts. Rednecks don't shoot people except in self defense. Rednecks are the ones who would shoot the whacked out liberal who is in the process of shooting up a school, theater or country music concert.