I don't know who's dumber. Biden, Fetterman and that dead guy that got elected as a state legislator in Pennsylvania OR the idiots Democrats who voted for them. I'm gonna go with all of the above.
Oh yeah and you gotta throw in Pelosi, Harris and Ocasio-Cortez into that list of brain dead Democrats. On second thought... they're all mental midgets. None of them are smart, well at at smart on doing the things to make life better and freer for every U.S. citizen. They can really shine when it comes to destroying everything they touch. They are experts on destruction. So the people who vote for them either hate America or their brain dead.
However, the majority of the Democrat voters aren't brain dead, they're dead dead. They've passed on! They are no more! They've ceased to be! They're expired and gone to meet they're maker! They're stiffs! Bereft of life, they rest in peace! They're pushing up the daisies! They're metabolic processes are now history! They're off the twig! They've kicked the bucket, they've shuffled off their mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! (my apologies to Monty Python The Parrot Sketch). And more importantly they probably weren't even Democrats when they were alive. hahahahah...😂