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SeeSeeOola (28209)
Joined 2016-09-16
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HE'S NOT EVEN HUMAN!! in politics
0 ups, 1w
RFK Jr. "make people healthy"? You mean the ones that DON'T die from refusing vaccines? pfffft
Untitled Image in politics
0 ups, 3mo
And, in today's news...
DonOld and Elon, Jumping in a Jar in politics
1 up, 3mo
ah, but some young'uns might *never* get it ...
Fundraising for "Billionaires" in politics
1 up, 2y
Trump's never been *anything* but a self-promoter, a flim-flam man, a self-important flip-flopper who goes where the most $$ is... he plays at being a politician, just as he plays at being a Dad, plays at pretending to be a christian...
Fundraising for "Billionaires" in politics
0 ups, 2y