I don't know about that when there's a supermajority. Maybe you just don't like whatever it was they did? I get that. They're just as sleazy as the dems. But when did they last have that? You know Gumshoe, if before the election, someone had told me the republicans could totally fcuk up a sure thing like these last midterms, I would have said yeah, they probably can. I'm still a bit surprised. Although I think Biden blatantly bought the youth vote with his college loan payback scheme, which even he had to know would not stand judicial scrutiny. I work with a very well educated mid 30's professional who voted for Clinton last time hoping for student loan reimbursement. She and her husband both make a lot of money and don't need any reimbursement. I just don't think it's fair for the working class to have to pay her or anyone like her back for their college loans.