1. Running for VP because I was inspired by the Choose the Left movement, which I think can bring some needed change.
2. I plan to work with the President, HOC and HOS to re-constitute Congress/Senate and start passing some substantive bills, fun events and contests.
3. Choose the Left.
4. CTL, in spite of its name, is not a Leftist party. It is simply a big-tent party with an eye toward fun and good government, rejecting the cringey moralism and censoriousness of Choose the Right.
5. Currently, the Senate is totally useless. The governing CTR Party, and BritishMormon specifically, have never really believed in it and have totally undermined it. Some Senate picks were announced
imgflip.com/i/6sb93a but the process for selecting Senators was opaque, likely corrupt, and as we can now see they've done literally nothing.
6. CTL aims to revitalize the Senate as a moderating influence and a way to bring new members into the roleplay government.
7. Who is CTR's VP candidate now? Firestar9990? He posts funny memes here, and has been pretty active over time. My criticisms would be he's said some bigoted things and is too tied to BritishMormon IMO.
8. My viewpoint is just about any kind of content goes in I_P so long as it complies with Imgflip TOS and the mudslinging rule.
9. This stream can be tough to mod at times and I think the mods do a good job. Someone always approves memes pretty quickly. Free speech is respected, with the exception of BritishMormon's flagging of some things that should definitely be allowed.
10. It's taken a lot of time, but I think the free speech issue has pretty much been figured out here to most people's satisfaction. I don't think it's the most important issue anymore.
11. CTL will place fun and government front-and-center like it should be. We will not be imposing anyone's ideological agenda.
12. Ensuring a fun and substantive roleplay experience, keeping activity up and trying to get solid new users in here are all a part of the CTL agenda.
13. No. Not even BritishMormon. Yeah he's annoying and corrupt. But let him hang himself with his own rope, right?
1. Yes, BritishMormon is IG. Been over it so many times. Just about everyone who's been here on I_P awhile has figured it out, and Scar's ruling on term limits confirmed it.
2. No. Some rando from the fun stream who knows nothing about I_P and won't stick around isn't qualified to vote.
3. I_P sucks, and I love it.