Oil production is not green vs anti-green. Its domestic energy stability. Its simple.... you do not throw out all the AA batteries in your home, then hope Roku invents a solar powered controller before your current controller goes dead. Many green PACs are funded by governments that are unfriendly to the US. They easily manipulate radicals in the parties to get what they want as they have money, you don't. If you want cleaner air, that's awesome get an electric mower. If someone tells you to unplug your fridge and don't flush your toilet, now that's suspicious as it would hurt your lifestyle. We've been unplugging since Biden's FIRST day in office. Dems are more worried about pronouns than what happens when you attack energy production. Vote them out.... or pay $10 a gallon in gas, $7 a gallon for milk, $60,000 for a used cars.....