What benefit do the jabs afford you?
1. The promise you won't get it if you take the jabs? NO.
2. The promise that you won't infect others if you take the jabs? NO.
3. The promise that you won't have some very severe side effects and deaths? NO.
4. Covid-19 is highly survivable. On average about 98.2% of known COVID-19 patients in the U.S. survive (WEBMD.com). https://www.webmd.com/lung/covid-recovery-overview#1
5. If you follow the real news, you have heard of many deaths in young, healthy people since the vaxxes were given (and mandated in many cases). It makes zero sense to submit to an experimental vax that has proven side effects. To give it to children is absolutely unconscionable. Check out SADS ... Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
Israel wants to HALT rabies vaccine for animals after just 10 adverse events, but won’t stop covid vaccines for humans after hundreds of thousands of injuries and deaths.