Unfortunately, those Blue State evacuees often take their Blue State politics with them:
In 2020, they "reformed" the drug laws in Colorado:
Schedule I and II Drugs No Longer Carry Felony Charges in CO
July 28, 2020
A new Colorado law went into effect at the beginning of March 2020. House Bill 19-1263, which was signed into law by the governor in May 2019, essentially defelonizes the possession of small amounts of Schedule I and II substances, such as cocaine, heroin, and fentanyl. Under the new law, if you are caught in possession of a small amount of these drugs, you will be charged with a misdemeanor rather than a felony.
And by 2022, we have this:
Colorado is the nation’s cocaine use capital
Aug 19, 2022
Colorado State Patrol has seized records amounts of drugs this year and in 2021. At least one statistic points to higher-than-average drug use in the Centennial State. Colorado is the most cocaine-using state in the union, according to survey data from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration.