It is all part of Modern Monetary Theory. MMT proposes that governments with their own currency can never run out of money like private industry and individuals. All they need to do is print the money they need and there is no limit on that amount. The critics of MMT point to the inflation that will occur if they endlessly print money. The economists who promote this theory (economists like Stephanie Kelton [a former adviser to Bernie Sanders], L. Randall Wray, Bill Mitchell [who coined the name Modern Monetary Theory], and Warren Mosler) claim that the government just need to pass laws that will stop inflation.
MMT is like purposely cutting yourself just so you can put a Band-Aid on it. If you print large amounts of money then inflation is inevitable. It is a cause and effect scenario. You cannot do one without causing the other. Mainly because printing money lowers the value of all existing currency. It takes more dollars to equal the value those dollars once had.
It is no surprise that AOC said that MMT “absolutely” needs to be “a larger part of our conversation.” If you let an insane moron promote your economic theory then were all doomed.
This Inflation Reduction Act is just the left's way to force retailers and businesses to not raise their prices. That is not how to fix this problem and is only going to make matters worse as first the small businesses will be forced to shut down, then the medium sized businesses will start to collapse and then the next domino will be the large corporations with the exception of the ones the government likes.