Your boy Linds has to testify in the Georgia Grand Jury against Trump - or be held for perjury. They already KNOW he's guilty of asking Rafensberger to literally THROW OUT BALLOTS!
My boy "Linds"? You have got to be kidding. I rarely find myself on team Graham.
Where did you get that? Just bc I don't think he licks Trumps butthole?
Get real.
And please don't take this personally, but I strongly suspect you are quite far from being capable of determining that Graham will have to testify against Trump or be held for perjury. Why? Because in order to perjure yourself, you have to testify, under oath.
I forgot the word TRUTHFULLY. "Testify TRUTHFULLY". If he doesn't show up - it's contempt. Be CLEAR in what you don't agree with. And yeah - Lind's totally sucks Trump orange butt. And I don't mean LITERALLY, he sucks it DAILY figuratively. You pseudo intellectual types drive me mad. You have no concept of subtext or sarcasm OR innuendo, for that matter.
Damn squonk, when I used the term "ragging" in exactly the same way, the libtards told me it didn't mean what I thought it meant. Glad to see the correct thinkers and I are on the same page!
Uh, no, Skippy. Biden is getting BIG wins daily, which you would know if you turned off FUX & Breitbart & that viel cretin, Bannon. It's YOU Trumpers who aren't paying attention. Y'all are too busy planning the next insurrection you will LOSE.