Okay, as to the "self described Christian" they were wrong, and MANY christians are not really christians and have a compromising pacifistic take on life. Jesus didn't die so we could sin, he died so we could be free from sin.
And the correct belief system says "you f--ked up but you can be a new creation in Christ". And without religion people are pretty low, couples living together for years if they ever marry, they hurt people, lie abuse substances and are greedy, (I'm not saying that a lot of Christians don't do those things) but the farther the country goes away from the faith the worse things get, I could list everything but I'm sure you know the state of the world.
As for you I'm not surprised you're "anti-theist agnostic" cause college is one of the biggest faith killers of all time, and are you aberrantly upright, I'd say you don't have as much sin weighing on you than a lot of people do, I'll assume you were raised in a decent setting.
So if you choose what's right and wrong, and I choose right and wrong then is there even a right and wrong? Why are some things "wrong" if it's right to someone else?
Too much religion is a bad thing, look at catholicism, God is not honored there, man is honored there.
And I know we disagree here but man didn't create God, he created us, and there is scientific evidence of creation for anyone who wants it, and is willing to find the truth.
And you're right, there is a lot we don't, and can't know. That's why we are called to have faith in God even though we can't see him.
And God didn't make us flawed, we became flawed through sin in the garden with the "talking snake".
Sin does not go unpunished, if we don't accept Jesus who bore our sin on the cross, who paid the price for all sin, was brutally killed on the cross and went to hell to pay for our mistakes so we don't have to, then we must bare the punishment for sin which is eternity in hell.
And he does love us. It would have been way easier to wipe humanity off of the face of the earth, but he sent Jesus to come to die for us because he loves everyone, that's why no man has EVER went to hell without having a opportunity to get saved at some point.