You think the world is round? I bet you think it revolves around the sun, too. I don't know man, the stewards of the word of god imprisoned Galileo for talking such nonsense, and when have they ever been wrong.
Wait, they recently admitted they were wrong? Huh. So the edicts of the church are falible. Fascinating. It's almost as if...they were made by men! *gasp* "Now I don't know what to think!", said 8 year old me after realizing santa clause, the tooth fairy, the easter bunny and god are all cut from the same cloth. The church digs its heels in until the light of scientific progress forces it to admit its ignorance, at which point it moves forward only as much as it must in order to dig its heels in again. Religion may be an effective wheelchair for the spiritually lame, but it's also an anchor keeping humanity from moving forward fast enough to outrun its own self-inflicted global apocalypse. Meh, this too shall pass. Besides, if all humans die then all the stupid humans will be dead. That's something I've hoped for so fervently that I don't even care that I won't be around to see it. #vhemt #misanthrope #peoplelikeyouarewhypeoplelikemeneedmedication