They don’t want your 12 year old daughter to watch PG-13 and R rated movies without parental supervision. But the left is absolutely giddy about making them do it as part of their schooling.
Difference between this book and other Orwellian books - Orwellian books have actual basis on real life events like Communism taking over Russia or Hitler duping the voters to elect him into power. 1984's Ministry of Truth was the same thing as the propaganda that Hitler spread.
For for Handmaiden's Tale you have regression to some kind of 'Puritan Dystopia' . . .and somehow New England and a bunch of terrorists are able to overthrow the US Government. . .you do not kill the President and Congress and expect to take over the US that easily. The states wouldn't put up with it and neither would the military proper.
This is what is going to happen if trump gets elected again!!!!! As for blessed be you bulls_it, once he gets in he's in for good and being the anti-christ there goes your evangelicals! SO MUCH FOR BACKING HIM YOU HIPPOCRATES