As per usual, you've got it completely wrong. Unless you now incorrectly categorize Libertarians as right wingers.
The ignorance never stops with you, does it? And keep in mind, ignorance is just the absence of facts about a particular subject. I'm making absolutely no disparaging comment about you whatsoever. We're all ignorant when it comes to certain subjects. (he said, in his last post before his latest time out, as they unjustly cuffed him and took him off to imgflip jail for a 13th time...)
So we could debate Trump's role as de facto leader of the Republican party, and the impact it's having on our current political scene, whether he should run again in 2024, what it potentially could do to the country (other than making demotards' heads explode!) but I've found with you that you prefer to resort to name calling and expressing your opinion as fact. Hardly worth anyone's time.