Hey, MSMG.
I've seen people thinking it was a site mod deleting my account, and that is false.
Me deleting it because of the summer break and I rely on my school computer? Also false.
I have my phone and I can come on here anytime I want.
But I won't.
Because it's a choice, and I choose to leave.
But I made this account just for this announcement, and I will be deleting this account later on today.
My parents also went through my computer and permanently deleted ALL my game and comic files.
So I am sorry. MSMGSTUCK project has been discontinued.
Anyway, I guess this is it. This is the end.
But, I wouldn't dare leave this place without a few more songs to share to you guys.
I made these songs and these were part of the game/comic, but my parents deleted the files, only leaving me with my music files.
I made them specifically for the finale of the project, but as you know, that will never happen.
So I guess I will show these songs I made for you here.
Listen to them in order as well.
The links to the songs will be at the very end of this comment.
Also, AndrewFinlayson was right.
I wasn't deleted.
I deleted.
It was time after 5 years to stop.
That's all there is to say.
Asriel ouy
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~END OF ACT 0~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
==> [S] Release Final Songs.
[1] https://vocaroo.com/14iSudVDjIml | (A Final Message and Battle.)
[2] https://vocaroo.com/1aszTLt7AZ3S | (CREDITS: A Song To Thank You All.)
[3] https://vocaroo.com/1jZ0u74lRgf7 | (A Legit Goodbye.)
~{Playing my Instruments a last time for you.}~
Goodbye Chat.