"You cannot say that killing babies is always wrong all of the time, because you know you don't actually believe that."
Yes, I do believe that. The problem with your statement is that it is incomplete, and intentionally so. To be fair, perhaps it is not intentional, merely ignorant.
Killing babies is always wrong when mankind decides to do it. Hard stop.
While you believe that God doesn't exist, and therefore the instances in the Bible that describe God directing Israel to do so, as well as God Himself doing so, were just men justifying what they did, you are wrong. Regardless of your flawed and failed beliefs, I believe God is real, and you know this. So your statement is, at best, disingenuous; at worst, a lie by omission, twisting what I have repeatedly explained to you. But then, you dehumanize other human beings to justify your approval of murder.
God cannot commit murder, which would be the unlawful killing of a human being. God cannot be unlawful, and neither does He change His laws to suit His purposes. Again, the fact that you do not believe in God does not negate the description of the God of the Bible. This God is beyond your reproach, despite what your puny mind thinks.
God have mercy on your soul. You claim to be an adult male, supporting a family with a real job, and yet you play with My Little Pony paraphernalia- yet you would contend with God? Even if God were not real, you would lose that argument, Mr. Brony!
You are wholly incapable of successfully contending with me, in spite of your best efforts to twist what I say so you can tell yourself that this is not so; contending with God is laughable.