12 is generally an age of puberty. Sometimes people feel attraction maybe a little younger or 'crush.' At that stage I believe it is fine for kids to figure things out on their own in who they like. Though only in 'who' they like or attracted to. (Anything more should be saved for High School years, but that is my bias opinion given the still okay/primitive Feudal system modern day appears to have in terms of allowing anyone under High School to date or see it 'normal/ok.')
If this subject is in context of Florida bill. (Which should be passed everywhere, but can call it another bias opinion.) Then the issue is again stuff being shoved onto children K-3. Teachers were and probably in many places are still doing that and treating it as ok. It is not. I went through k-3 oblivious to such things which all kids should be. I didn't look at people at gender or skin color, I just looked at toys and made friends to play with. I don't think I started crushing till 11/12, but even then I wasn't too focus on such things and only cared about having fun.
Let kids be kids.
If you shovel anything strange on them, then that is why many people label it as grooming, especially if they are not of age to properly understand/comprehend it. It isn't about being straight or gay, it is about principle of letting children grow and discover things on their own without interference to such by adults.