Oh? Did the Gods buy this terrarium in a pet shop?
NEWS FLASH: NASA put the satellites in space that send the signal that device at your fingers depends on to work. No old men in the sky hurt in the process.
A "soul" means a living being, or the body in the act of living. There are no ghosts. That comes from other religions.
But we digress.
Let's try this again without you dodging, shall we?
Where did you hear that there were monkeys in The Garden?
There's Old World monkees and New World monkees. Both groups, as you know, have their own differences, emerging separately from their prosimians ancestors, of which some have even said New World monkees are closer to and share more charactersitics with than they do with the other, so should therefore be categorized as prosimians rather than monkees.
Why is that? Two lineages of primates with shared charectersitics yet with some distinctions from the other? Then there's groups within, such as baboons and macaques and capuchins and marmosets.
Not to mention there's the bit about there being no monkees in the Garden of Eden while all of Creation was supposed to be there and each named by Adam, to boot. None of Noah's Ark either, although some were on a boat of gifts later courtesy of Ethiopia. In terms of the Bible, monkees simply did not exist prior to that.
Still waiting on that.