to add on to this, he left physical evidence of his presence. in Turkey, the mark left by the Ark (hehe, it rhymed) is still visible, carts were found at the bottom of the Red Sea, and the Jews still exist. The Jews, biblically speaking, are His chosen people, who were prophecised to be protected through the ages - thats why they've been here literally through it all. They've been oppressed, at a high point, and then repeat - like they were prophecised to be like. In the Israeli war, supernatural things happened left and right. Rain washed away the dirt around the mnes in a field, revealing each and every single one. A soldier was trapped by broken legs from a tank that ran him over - he is still alive - and he saw hostile soliders charging in his direction. He claimed to have seen a bright light around him, which abruptly ended, revealing the soldiers literally running for the hills, away from the Israeli forces. Today, they are a world power with incredible high-tech equipment living in the Promised Land. moral of the story: GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT