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Fredward_the_5th (91273)
Joined 2021-04-30
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Love God with All Our Might, Mind, and Soul in fun
1 up, 4mo
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God is this: to care for widows and orphans, and to keep one's self unstained from the world.
Sorry if it's a little blurry in Pokemon_stream
0 ups, 4mo
What the heck did you just say.
Sorry if it's a little blurry in Pokemon_stream
0 ups, 4mo
Mudkip and Turtwig.
0 ups, 12mo
These are spelling errors.
Trolling in Pokemon_stream
0 ups, 12mo
So in that case Lopunny does get scrappy, and in fact, the Lopunny here has scrappy. I am aware of the ability changes, I assumed that when I asked if Lopunny got scrappy I would get the answer for the lopunny form portrayed in the video.