You can't "try" to be funny. You either are, or you aren't. If what you say is humorous to you, then you share it. Find a like-minded audience who'd find it amusing. Humor is oft best when used when you exaggerate traits of an individual, which I did. I started by adding truth to the caricature by citing a fact that an argumentative point against Biden for the Right Wing had been "Biden's too old." Trump would now be the same age. The second security guard is complaining because of the exaggerated issue that he has with Donald Trump's spray on tans and now he's going (if Trump is elected) to endure another potential 8 years of having spray on tan in his coat because Donald Trump uses so much of it.
The prescribed humor matches the same style of the second Agent making an exaggerated claim about Biden.
The reason this isn't funny to you, is simply because he's not your guy. That, or you just don't do Satire.